Castle Hill RSL Photography Club

The Castle Hill RSL Photography Club was formed in 1994 as the Hills Photographic Society and later renamed the Hills Camera Club.

Castle Hill RSL Photography Club is a non profit organisation club. We have over 300 members. We meet three times a month on the first, second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:30pm, unless otherwise stated, at the Castle Hill RSL Club.

We have outings several times a year with the objective of improving your photography as well as meeting and socialising with other members.

The only equipment you require is a film or digital camera, and an interest in improving your photographic skills.

The social side of the club is very important to us. We like to have fun and a chat during supper and after the meeting.

Before you can become a member of the Castle Hill RSL Photography Club it is a prerequisite that you are a member of the Castle Hill RSL Club Ltd. The application form for the RSL is available on the RSL Club website or at the membership office of the club.

Non-profit organization